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FREE SHIPPING: USA orders $40+ & INTERNATIONAL orders $80+

Last Updated 10/28/2023


Our Code of Conduct applies to our own print shop, as well as suppliers and venders we choose to do business with.

Social Responsibility

Labor Practices

Employees shall be treated with respect, kindness, and dignity. Work environements must be free of intolerance, harassment, abuse, retribution for grievances, and corporal punishment. Discrimination must not be allowed on the basisi of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin, social status, indigenous heritage, disability, age, marital status, capacity to bear children, pregnancy, sexual orientation, genetic features, or any other status of the individual that is unrelated to the ability to perform the job.

Fair work hours & compensation

We chose to be a union shop from day one because we believe in the power of unions, and we believe every employee deserves to have an advocate. We believe strongly in a fair wages. Every employee will make a minimum of $20 per hour at equalityINK. For our vendors, employees must receive wages and benefits that at a minimum meet all federal, state, and local laws governing minimum wage and mandated benefits. For both our shop and our vendors, we believe that a regular work schedule must not exceed 40 hours per five-day period. All work hours exceeding 40 hours in a five-day period should be appropriately compensated overtime, should be voluntary, and should be no less than 1.5 times the regular rate. Wages must be paid on schedule, and employees must receive an understandable pay slip that shows how wages are calculated. No employement practices should ever lower lower an employee's pay below the legal minimum wage.

Health, safety, & environment

Facilities must provide a healthy and safe work environment in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Facilities must comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations. We strive to use low impact products and supplies that minimize harm to the environment whenever possible.

Our team & our accountability

One of our primary initiatives when we set out to develop our company is to create a workplace that is rewarding. We want to build an atmosphere that encourages personal and professional growth by rewarding creativity, constructive feedback, and opportunities for promotion. We endeavor to ensure that each person who contributes to the success of our company is safe, respected, and protected. As our company evolves and grows, we aim to accept the discomfort that comes along with being held accountable.


We founded this business after we were raising money for causes dear to our hearts. We were searching for a print on demand t-shirt vender selling eco-friendly products that are made in the USA. After a few days of talking to lots of print shops, we made the most impulsive decision of our lives: We bought our own print shop. We have two goals: (1) Build a socially responsible business that provides good, well paying jobs to our community. (2) Provide customers with quality, eco-friendly merchandise that gives back to causes that will make this world better for every body. To that end, every product on our site has a designated giving back program that is related in some way to the message on that product. So, for example, if you buy something from our Reproductive Freedom Collection, some of the profit will be donated toward an organization that is doing good work in the area of reproductive freedom. Two of our product lines are produced specifically for fundraising, and we keep none of the profits from those collections: our Ukraine Collection and our Blue Arizona collection.

No involuntary labor

Each employee's presence must be voluntary. This specifically prohibits all forms of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or any other forms of forced labor. Employees have the option to leave employment at will.

No child labor

We do not use child labor. We define "child" as younger than 16 years of age or the compulsory age for school attendance, whichever is greater. Laws on restrictions for employees of certain ages must be followed.

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